Be a change maker in the fight against plastic pollution—join PLEASE HACK for our rivers and seas, to create innovative solutions and shape a cleaner, greener future for our planet!

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"The use of plastic waste in roads is an emerging technology spreading worldwide, through either pilot projects or roads that are in use"

Source - Plastic Waste In Road Construction: A Path Worth Paving? - World Bank

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"The amount of mismanaged waste (including plastic) across South Asia is projected to double to 661 million tons by 2050"

Source - Youth Voices on Marine Plastic Pollution in South Asia

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"The argument for gender-inclusive waste management is not just rights-based but also economic"

Source - World Bank

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PLEASE Project

Our mission is to catalyze actions that reduce the flow of plastic pollution into South Asian Seas. Implemented by The South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme (SACEP), in partnership with the UNOPS, funded by the World Bank.


Save a Life from Sri Lanka was awarded an Innovation...
The Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS), University of Chittagong (CU)...
CLEAN Maldives from Maldives was awarded an Innovation Grant (IG)...
Eco Waste Solution was awarded the Innovation Grant to implement...
Chakra Suthra from Sri Lanka was awarded an Innovation Grant...
INSEE Ecocycle from Sri Lanka was awarded an Innovation Grant...
The Island Climate Initiative was awarded a Regional Competitive Block...
Otium from Pakistan was awarded an Innovation Grant (IG) to...
Davaam Life from Pakistan was awarded an Innovation Grant (IG)...
Community Empowerment Linkage (CEL) from Maldives was awarded an Innovation...



Plastic Free Rivers and Seas for South Asia (PLEASE) is a regional initiative executed by SACEP, aimed at enhancing innovation and coordination of circular economy solutions to tackle plastic pollution in South Asian Seas. The project encompasses eight South Asian countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. In total, 28 grants have been awarded through the project, consisting of 12 Regional Block Grants and 16 Innovation Grants.



Supported Women Enterprises


Number of Innovations


People Reach for Plastic Pollution Mitigation


Decent jobs created

0 Mil KG

Total plastic recovered

0 KG

Total plastic recycled


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