Component 1

The rationale for this component is four-fold: First, South Asian nations could benefit from knowing the range of existing and new solutions and innovative approaches being undertaken in their nations and across the region to assist transitions to a more circular plastic economy; Second, they could also benefit from witnessing how block grant investments to select organizations can help accelerate this transitions, opening up the possibility of these nations to assist a variety of organizations within their own countries beyond this initial pilot, in national transitions to a more circular plastic economy; Third, the RBG investment recipient themselves will not only be able to demonstrate impact in a short time, but also will serve as case studies and good practice examples of what could be further scaled and replicated across South Asian nations. The project will identify innovative and cutting edge, replicable solutions that could be adapted and serve as demonstrations. Fourth, the selection of country-level RBG recipients will be undertaken in consultation with national level authorities and prioritize those recipients that complement the World Bank’s country-level (that is, national) engagements on reducing plastic pollution. The component will be supported through two subcomponents.

The project has given 12 Regional Block Grants and 16 innovation grants in the effect. Regional Block Grants: The PLEASE Project accepted project proposals that promised to result in a meaningful and recurrent reduction in plastic waste that otherwise would have accumulated in South Asia’s rivers and seas.

Innovation Grants: Innovation Grant to Reduce Plastic Waste was awarded for innovative approaches from community-based organizations, social enterprises, private sector and academic institutions registered in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka geared towards reducing plastic pollution in South Asia’s rivers and seas. Priority given to female-led entities.