To ensure alignment with the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standards and the World Bank Group’s Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines (EHSGs), the PLEASE project has adopted an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF). This framework provides comprehensive guidelines for managing environmental and social risks associated with the PLEASE project and its sub-projects.
All sub-projects under the PLEASE project, including Regional Block Grants and Innovation Grants, adhere to the requirements outlined in the ESMF. In line with these guidelines, each sub-project has conducted environmental and social screenings and/or developed site-specific Environmental and Social Management Plans.
To ensure the effective implementation of these plans, mitigation measures will be closely monitored, and necessary adjustments will be made throughout the project’s lifecycle. This approach ensures that the ESMPs remain dynamic and responsive to emerging challenges.
Below are the Environmental and Social Management Plans developed by recipients of the Regional Block Grants. Click the links below to download the detailed reports:
Grantee: Greener Way
Grantee: Bhutan Ecological Society
Grantee: Small Island Geographic Society
Grantee: CREASION – Nepal
Grantee: BioComp Nepal Pvt. Ltd
Grantee: Negombo Recycling Club Pvt. Ltd